With permission of Elizabeth Herald Scrapbook 1916-19
Charpentier Archives Millicent Library
Fairhaven MA USA
Before the War
Elizabeth was born on 22nd June 1872 in Arbroath, Angus, Scotland. In 1881 she was living at 18 Ladybridge Street, Arbroath, with her mother Elizabeth, 41, (nee Grant), auctioneer’s wife, siblings Annie F., 17, Cornelia E, 15, William H., 13, Eliza S., 12, and David A., 10. Her father John, an auctioneer, was absent on the night of the census. In 1901 Elizabeth, 28, was living in Arbroath with her father John, 61, auctioneer, cabinet maker and upholsterer, sisters Annie F., 34, and Dorothy P., 10. Elizabeth’s occupation was assistant housekeeper. Her mother was absent from the family home. Also living in the household were Aggie Ramsay, assistant housekeeper, Edward Shield, mercantile clerk (John’s nephew) and Annie Green, domestic servant.
Elizabeth’s father John died on 23rd June 1901 in Arbroath. Her mother Elizabeth died on 15th March 1910 and is buried in Western Cemetery, Arbroath.
Elizabeth qualified as a nurse before the War. It has not been possible to locate where she undertook her training, but according to the UK and Ireland Nursing Registers of the Royal College of Nursing, London, she was registered as a nurse on 13th October 1905. It has not been possible to find her in the 1911 census.
During the War
The following information about Elizabeth Herald has been extracted from transcribed Red Cross Voluntary Aid Detachment records, available at www.redcross.org.uk
In October 1916 and again in August 1917, Elizabeth’s name appears on the list of Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service Sisters at the Royal Naval Hospital, Chatham. She is listed as a Reserve Nursing Sister for Temporary Service from 10th September 1915.
In April 1918 Elizabeth volunteered to serve as V.A.D. with the Hampshire Red Cross. She was engaged as a nursing sister and served full time, receiving pay of £52 per annum, board, lodging and washing. Her home address was given as 16 Colville Place, Arbroath.
Elizabeth served at the following hospitals:
5th April to 19th June 1918: Warren Hospital, Lillington Road, Leamington
29th June to 30th July 1918: Lamcote Hospital for Officers, Radcliffe on Trent
12th August to November 1918: Hoole Bank Hospital, Cheshire
From 20th November 1918: The St. John Hospital, Regent’s Park, Southampton.
Elizabeth was still working at the St. John Hospital when her V.A.D. card was completed on 25th June 1919.
After the War
Elizabeth emigrated to the United States of America from Southampton in 1920 and continued with her nursing career. She travelled to Scotland in 1927, returning to New York on the ‘California’ on 21st April 1928. On the ship’s passenger list her age was given as 55 and her last address in the U.K. recorded as 16, Colville Place, Arbroath.
Elizabeth applied for citizenship of the U.S. on 8th May 1931, stating that she had lived there continuously since 28th July 1920 and that she was a registered nurse. The petition for citizenship was witnessed by Emily Batten, registered nurse, and Isabella Herald, housewife. Elizabeth’s address was 777 Lexington Avenue, New York. She was known as Betty, as stated on the form.
Elizabeth died on 27th April 1943. She is buried in South Dartmouth Cemetery, Bristol County, Massachusetts.
Elizabeth was still working at the St. John Hospital when her V.A.D. card was completed on 25th June 1919.